Discover this year’s latest trend: SUP-Yoga

From August 25 through August 28, the PANGEA Festival takes places in Pütnitz, Germany. Four days long, you will be able to enjoy culture, music and sports. A journey to...

Attention Addictive fun: YogaAndClimb

What do Yoga and Climbing have in common? On the first sight, these two sport disciplines don’t seem to be very alike. But as soon as you take a closer...


The Hero 3 – in Sanskrit Virabhadrasana 3 – is one of the classic yoga-poses / Asanas Virabhadrasana 3 and is helping you concentrate and become focused. ...

Yoga Workshop: Backbends

Practice your backbends with dedication and cultivate the willingness to accept life with an open heart. ...

The Dancer – Natarajasana

Learn how to execute the Dancer (Natarajasana) corrently and what to keep in mind during the different steps of this exercise. ...

So much more: I just want it all!

You want SUP, Yoga, CrossFit, Boxing, Bouldering, Urban Fitness, Wellness and Spa in great Studios and all of it in one city. ...