2022-03-31 Snowbiking-The new action sport We all have fun exploring new things. For all action lovers now comes a new variant for the snow, snow biking....
2022-02-17 Ice climbing – The extreme water sport in winter Ice climbing is perhaps one of the most extreme winter sports. But with the right equipment and preparation, even beginners can have fun....
2021-11-24 Are you brave enough? – Extreme sports for an adrenaline kick Today we lay here again and show you another four extreme sports that will give you an adrenaline rush in a class of its own....
2021-01-11 Vulcano-Boarding – Surfing on hot volcanic rock Racing down the slopes of a sizzling volcano in Nicaragua at up to 80 km/h on a wooden sled? A crazy extreme sport between thrill and pure madness. We introduce...