Canoe polo – an action sport for ballarists

Have you ever been canoeing? And do you know the sport “polo”? You are probably wondering how these questions are connected. Well, combine the words and you are at today’s topic: Canoe polo.
10 players, 20 minutes and one goal. This is the framework in which this sport takes place. More concretely, it means the following: 5 field players per team and a maximum of three substitutes. It is possible to substitute as often as you like. The goal is to get the ball into the opponent’s goal with the help of paddles or hands, which is placed two meters above the water. You fight for victory either 2x 10 or 2x 7 minutes. In between there is a three-minute half-time. The team that has scored the most goals at the end is the winner.
More than just a marginal sport
However, this sport has little to do with polo. It is more a mixture of rugby, handball and basketball. In addition to physical fitness, you also need good tactics. Many have already perfected theirs. After all, the sport is almost 100 years old. But not only that. In addition to smaller championships, a European and even world championship has been established here. The latter will even take place this year, after the event had to be canceled last year. It starts on 05 October in Rome. Can Germany defend its 2018 title here?
We are definitely excited and keep our fingers crossed for our national team. And for all those we have now made curious, on the page of the German Canoe Federation you can get more detailed information and become a player.
This aspect goes hand in hand with the psychological changes mentioned above. If the body becomes tired, the accustomed performance standard cannot be maintained. Exercises are no longer performed effectively, but at best they are survived. Progress in performance is thus excluded.

Canoe polo is more than just some fringe sport. To win, you need physical fitness and good tactics.
Source cover image: pixabay / josedemanuela