These beach workouts will keep you in shape on vacation

Staying in shape despite a beach vacation is a big issue for many. No problem at all! Beach workouts also work without any equipment. We’ll show you how it’s done.
A workout on the beach has several advantages, especially with regard to health. Due to the soft ground, exercises there are particularly easy on the joints. In addition, to perform the exercises on a sandy surface, the athlete needs a heightened sense of balance. In addition, the body is under tension the whole time. This not only strengthens the stability of the foot, but also strengthens the muscles. We present the most effective workouts in this article.
Strength and cardio workout on the beach
The beach workout is a mix of strength and endurance training. The program starts with a short warm-up together before getting down to business during the workout. The focus is then particularly on mobility exercises for mobility and stability. This is followed by three different Stretch & Cardio Circles. Towards the end, exercises to strengthen the core and abdominal muscles are on the program.
Ultimatives Sixpack-Workout
In the 10-minute workout, the athlete trains the abdominal muscles together with Sami Clarke and Sanne Vloet. The abdominal workout contains 19 exercises and a break in the middle. Each execution lasts for 30 seconds. There is also an alternation of 5 seconds between exercises. So that the participant has a opportunity to change position for the next exercise.
Burning fat properly with HIIT
The Cardio HIIT workout will help you stay fit during your beach vacation. The session not only burns a lot of calories, but also trains the heart at the same time. Due to the endurance sport, the heart adapts to the workout. At the same time, the heart rate also becomes weaker and the heart pumps more and more blood into the bloodstream. This allows the heart to work more effectively.
Strengthening Pilates beach workout
The following Pilates trainer focuses in particular on units that strengthen the well-being of the own body. In the workout, the participant can expect a full-body workout. There is no emphasis on strong fat burning or excessive muscle building. Instead, the focus is on exercises that strengthen the muscles. In this case, the correct execution and breathing is much more important.
A workout on the beach offers a change from the usual sports routine. Especially your foot stability will benefit from this sport unit.

Whether it’s a cardio, pilates or abs workout, any workout can easily be done on the beach. From now on, there should be no excuse for not exercising at the beach!
Image Source: unplash / Patrick Mallerei