Spinning Seat / Matsyendrasana

Learn how to execute the Spinning Seat (Matsyendrasana) and what to keep in mind during the steps of this exercise.
The Spinning Seat (in Sanskrit: Matsyendrasana) is one if the classic Yoga positions/ Asanas. This Asana brings flexibility to your spine and stretches your hip-, shoulder- and neckmuscles. By stretching the entire spine, every vortex is brought into action and the intervertebral discs stay sleek and stabile. In “Hormone-Yoga” the spinning seat is executed in combination with very intense abdominal breathing/ Bhastrika to harmonize the adrenal gland (hormone production).
- Sit down on your heels and position your bottom on the left side of your heels.
- Put your right foot to the left, right next to you left knee. Your right leg is in an upright position, the right knee is right in front of your upper body. Due to the position of your legs, your lower body is turned left and locked in this position.
- Keep in mind, that your left heel isn’t under the left side of your bottom, but next to it. It’s important that your entire derriere is touching the ground, to keep your pelvis straight. If you aren’t able to do that quite yet, stretch out your left leg.
- While inhaling, stretch your upper body upwards, guiding your right arm in a big curve above your head and to the right and turn to the right while you exhale.
- Bring your left arm by the outside (right) of your right knee and touch your left knee. If you are pregnant turn in the other direction (meaning away from your knee, so that the baby has enough space: put down your left arm next to your bottom on the ground and your right arm to your right knee.)
- Keep your spine in an upright position and elongate it in any case. Your shoulders are relaxed and at the same height. Relief your stomach- and backmuscles, as well as your shoulders. Close your eyes and breathe calmly and consistently.
- Let your body go deeper in the turn while you exhale. Carefully test your limits.
- Hold this position for one to two minutes and repeat that exercise to the other side.
You’ll probably find out, that the Asana feels completely different on the other side. Take that information in but don’t judge it. Always stay considerate and loving in connection to your breathing.
The spinning seat is constant part of every yoga detox program. It’s the perfect Asana to get your physical cleaning- and changingprocess moving.
It’s neccessary to warm up beforehand … during the entire year, but especially now, during the cold months.
If the upper body gets turned, all the muscles and nerves on one side of the body get condensed while the ones on the other side are stretched out. Stretching to the other side afterwards, the exact opposite effects are reached. As a result, the muscles are stretched and compressed variantly, increasing their health and functionality a lot. That’s where the vitalizing and regenerating effect of the exercise is coming from. As another effect, the Kulini-Energy and the solar plexus is being activated. Assertiveness, inner fire, temperament, passion, enthusiasm, truthfulness and creativity get promoted.
Letting your entire bottom touch the ground at the same time and elongating the spine while breathing throughout the entire exercise (And not to get angry, if I did the exercise better the last time or if one side just doesn’t want to do as good as I imagine beforehand.
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