Traveling to all countries of the world? Check!


Traveling the world sounds nice. But who will ever make it to all 196 countries? Get to know Cassie DePecol, who did exactly that for a specific reason!

The world consists of 196 countries. All of them differ in terms of nature and culture, making traveling a desirable hobby. However, an average German adult has only visited 10 countries and will never manage to see all in his entire life. For Cassie DePecol, traveling is more than a Hobby – it’s a passion.


With only 27 years, she made it to all countries of the world – in just 18 month. By doing this, she set a record in traveling the world. Also she did not skip countries affected by war such as Syria and Somalia. Cassie DePecol drives traveling to its extreme – not just for fun but to spread a vision: Peace through tourism.


Cassie’s idea was to show that relationships between individuals should not be affected by governmental fights and that cross-cultural friendship can work. As an ambassador for peace, she received fundings for her trip from the “International Institute of Peace Through Tourism” and “Skal International”. In total, she spent 198,000 Dollars for her Expedition 196. To offset her carbon footprint, she planted 50 trees during her journey.

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But there is not just the example of Cassie DePecol. In fact, an increasing number of people dedicate their life to traveling what is facilitated by the digitization of jobs. This leads to alternative life designs such as “World Schooling”. The main thought here is to be truly open to and learn from other cultures.


Picture Source: Youtube / Expedition 196


Cassie DePecol and the movement in the society show that traveling is more than fun. It’s a source of learning from other cultures, which can truly change our world view. So the next time you visit another country, leave your comfort zone and talk to people. It can truly make a difference – on a small but also on a big scale.


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