Johanna Stockdreher


Munich – Germany

This is me

I’m a 25-year-old northern light that can’t sit still. That’s why I enjoy the fresh air and exercises, for example jogging along the Isar in the morning, boxing in the sandbag in the afternoon or surfing in the sea from time to time. Professionally I wanted to become a firefighter, pharmacist and veterinarian, but in the end I started in business consulting.


I am absolutely not a professional in my favourite sports, but nevertheless I have a lot of fun doing them. Besides, I would like to become at least 100 years old and a sporty & healthy lifestyle would definitely help there.

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Why I‘m

I do what is good for my body and mind and I want to pass this feeling on to other people:

Go out into the fresh air, move around, breathe in and out really deeply, fool around, laugh, cry, help, take enough time for the things that make you happy & be optimistic. Life is too short for all the other frills.


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