Toni Kerkela’s Snowboarding Movie “Insight”


Are you ready for winter season? Toni Kerkela is already right in the middle of it and shows us his latest video for the season 2017. As always, his films do not repeat themselves and there are new tricks, locations and highlights every year. We’ve got the first trailer for you!

Toni chose Finland as the perfect spot for the new season. Together with TransWorld SNOWboarding he shot an absolutely spectacular film that combines all the snowboarding tricks. One of the highlights are most definitely the scenes where Toni and his crew are flown to the highest peaks by a helicopter and then ride down in the deep snow.


Theo Muse, Insight director: „Toni is such a unique rider, despite his young age he’s been making ideo party for a long time. Hammers, lines, and creative tricks, you never really know what your going to get from Toni but you can always count on it being ahead of its time.“


Just watch the trailer below!


Picture Source: Youtube / TransWorld SNOWboarding Magazin

Your Expert 


There are so many scenes you really can breathe! The routes and tricks the Toni master are absolutely spectacular.


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