YouTube channels that make you sweat

As the saying goes, winter is the time to start training for your summer figure. That sounds like now is the perfect time to start. Well, of course, you could also make it a New Year’s resolution, but we all know how that always ends ;) . Plus, you’ll get results now when others are just getting started. Here we show you four YouTube channels that will make you sweat at home.
Corona forced the gyms to close. So there are only two options left: either you exercise at home, or you don’t. The former is even supposed to be healthier and make you happier. Whether it’s yoga, strength training, cardio or dance workouts, there’s something for everyone on YouTube. To save you the search, we’ll introduce you to a few channels that will bring you closer to your athletic goals.
You love yoga? Then this YouTube channel is just right for you. Whether you want to recharge your batteries in the morning, release your tensions, become more focused, or want to relieve aching muscles. Mady offers you everything. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or a professional. With her calming voice you can give yourself completely.
Daniel and Kelli – these are the names of the two trainers and operators of the channel. They offer different workouts in different lengths. Besides a division into different muscle groups, they also offer different levels of difficulty. Another advantage is that they train in time. This means that you can simply be active in parallel. They also tell you what to pay attention to during the individual exercises in order to achieve the maximum result.
3. MadFit
You want to train and have fun at the same time and that in a short time? Then the MadFit workouts are perfect. Besides Dance-Workouts, she also does different challenges, such as the 100 Reps Squat Challenge and different strength training and cardo sessions. The use of weights or a booty band is of course also part of her workouts. She explains at the beginning of the video what to expect. During the training she also shows you what to pay attention to.
4. Pamela Reif
Pamela Reif is known for her hardcore workouts. She offers you everything from dance and stretching sessions to cardo and strength training. She also divides her workouts into three difficulty levels and focuses on different muscle groups in various videos. There are breaks in individual workouts. But that is not the rule with her. Since the lockdown, she also offers free training plans and does life trainings where she explains the exercises in more detail. She does not do the latter in her regular videos.
As you can see, there are good alternatives to gyms or cost-intensive sports offers. All you need is a fitness mat, some space and maybe some equipment. So what are you waiting for?
Source cover image: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska