Young martial arts champion dreams of the Olympic Games

With only one and a half years of training, the 15-year-old Azizcan Cagac from Berlin won several titles: State Champion in Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig Holstein and Bavaria and five gold medals, most recently at the Berlin Open. Now his new goal is set: The Olympic Games!
Diligence, discipline and victories motivate him
“My whole family has or is currently still doing Korean Taekwondo training, so it was obvious that I would also start with it. And they said to me, if it was right,” says the young champion.
For this reason the young champion trains very intensively today and his successes drive him: “In the beginning it was very exhausting, but then it was more and more fun for me”. He goes five times a week to training at the Sportschule Kang e.V. and one day additionally to the fitness studio to work with a well-known personal trainer on his condition and muscle development.

A quick foot technique is the most important thing in Taekwondo.
(Source: Unsplash / Thao Le Hoang)
What is Taekwondo?
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that is often practiced as a martial art. The three syllables of the name stand for foot technique, hand technique and path. Although Taekwondo has great similarities with other Asian martial arts, it differs considerably: speed and dynamics are especially important, which is not least due to the competition. In Taekwondo foot techniques dominate more clearly than in comparable martial arts.
Next destination: Olympic Games
It is the footwork and the combination of training and competition that inspire Azizcan. Putting what you’ve learned into battle and having such success with it is a great reward for the hard work and keeps pushing the young champion forward. His great role models on the way to the top are Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali and his teacher and mentor Master Kang Seok Sun.
His next big dream is to join the German national team and then take part in the Olympic Games in 2020. Until then he continues to collect many trophies and compete two to three times a month. We keep our fingers crossed for him!
Freeletics. Source: YouTube /Taekwondo Replays

So much discipline should be rewarded. After several gold medals and victories, Azizcan Cagac dares to reach his next goal: Olympia. We keep our fingers crossed for him! Go Azizcan!
Source: Unsplash/ Uriel Soberanes