Watersports expert Ingmar Rickert – how to start surfing

No matter if river surfing or surfing in the sea, one thing is clear: Ingmar is washed with all waters! Nowadays he is looking for the most exciting surf spots in the world, but even the biggest surf lover started out small. InspiredBySports expert Ingmar Rickert shared a passion for surfing from an early age on. In an interview with the IBS editorial team, he describes what newcomers to surfing should look out for and what the perfect places for beginners are.
Water is my element, whether fluid or frozen. Even as a child I could hardly get out of the water. Whether surfing, snowboarding, skiing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, wakesurfing, SUP, etc., I am constantly searching for water and the best conditions.
“You never regret what you’ve done, you always regret what you haven’t done.” #ingmarsworld

InspiredBySports: Which surfspots can you recommend for beginners and which ones would you advise against?
Ingmar: As a beginner you shouldn’t get on the board right away, but first do a beginner course in a surf school. As a beginner you are always accompanied by a surf instructor and therefore hopefully never run the risk of doing something wrong. But you’re not satisfied with the answer, are you? (laughs) Beach breaks without dangerously strong currents are certainly the most suitable spots to get into. I wouldn’t recommend shallow Reef Breaks, because there is a living reef with only a little water underneath. Once properly washed and you can bend your surf holiday.
InspiredBySports: The waves behave differently depending on whether you go surfing in the sea or in a river. Where would you recommend a beginner to start?
Ingmar: If you already feel like surfing in Germany and want to get your first surfing experience, you are well advised to do so in various surfing facilities. Also here I recommend to take a beginner course. If you can already stand on the wave for a few seconds, you have successfully mastered your first surfing experience. Nevertheless, the type of surfing is very different from classic surfing in the sea.
InspiredBySports: What basic equipment do I definitely need to be ready for my first waves? Ingmar:You definitely need a surfboard, a leash, and surfwax. (laughs) Now it all depends on whether you’re in the warm Indian Ocean or paddling the cold Atlantic in spring. Depending on the warmth of the water I recommend either board shorts, lycra and high sun protection or a neopelle (neoprene suit) in colder water. It is available in different thicknesses depending on the temperature. For those with sensitive ears I recommend Surfears (special earplugs) and ear drops. Anyone who has ever had an ear canal infection on holiday knows what I’m talking about…
InspiredBySports: Surfing is a community of its own. What do I have to consider when dealing with other surfers and what are typical No-Gos? Ingmar:The most important thing is to follow the general surfing rules. Under no circumstances should you steal your wave from others. If this happens by mistake, you should apologize immediately. Otherwise the surf session can be over faster than you think. In addition, you should always inform yourself well in advance about the surf spot and find out whether mainly locals surf there. No matter if there is a strong localism or if the sport is frequented by tourists, one should always go into the background first and leave the waves to the others first. If you take this to heart and treat the other surfers with the necessary respect, nothing will stand in the way of your surfing session.

no matter if surfing or skating, Ingmar is open for everything (source: Ingmar Rickert)
InspiredBySports: How can I prepare myself optimally for surfing outside the water? Which muscles are particularly stressed here and what do you think of Surf-Cruiser? Ingmar: Physical fitness can be trained very well with a targeted workout. There are numerous exercises that prepare the musculoskeletal system for this special strain. The upper arm muscles, the entire shoulder girdle, neck muscles and the lower back are particularly stressed when surfing. If you don’t want to be exposed to extreme muscle soreness on the second day, prepare yourself physically. In addition to various stability and strengthening exercises, swimming and paddling with the surfboard are also ideal preparation exercises. But also stretching and mobility exercises should not be neglected. What many people are not aware of is that breathing exercises are also part of optimal preparation! Sometimes you are under the water longer than you would like. In order to prevent this situation, there are different exercises to be able to hold the breath longer.
Surf cruisers are a nice change on land for all those who want to do their turns more radically in the water. In fact, some typical surfing movement patterns such as rotation, body tension or balance can be transferred to the rolling skateboard.
InspiredBySports: What tips can you give us from your own experience so that you can get started surfing as quickly and smoothly as possible? Ingmar: I’ve been enthusiastic about surfing since I was a kid. Already before my first surf course I watched a lot of videos about surfing. I learn very much on the visual level and was able to learn many complex movement sequences faster. This is certainly not suitable for everyone, but maybe it is worth a try.

We wish the passionate surfer continued success in all his adventures and are especially happy that Ingmar is part of our InspiredBySports community as a watersports expert.
Cover souce: Ingmar Rickert