Running for beginners – 5 tips


IBS Publishing Team

Joggen Laufen

Running is a great sport, but if you overtax yourself at the beginning, you’re likely to give up quickly. Everybody has his own running speed, that you have to find out first and if you manage to avoid beginner’s mistakes, running is not only really effective but also fun and keeps your head clear. With these tips you will be able to find the right start and avoid typical mistakes.

1. The right conditions

Whether young or old, anyone who has not been physically active for a long time should have a check-up with their doctor. Running is not suitable for people who have cardiovascular problems or inflamed joints or viral diseases. If you are very overweight, it is also advisable to start jogging slowly or even to lose a few kilos with other sports that are easier on the joints.

If you are fundamentally healthy, all you need is the right motivation. Here it helps to have a running buddy. With fixed appointments to run you can trick yourself. AND with a partner or in a group it is also more fun.

2. The right clothing


Sounds banal, but bad shoes are not only uncomfortable and make walking more difficult, but can also have a long-term negative effect on your body. So buying online or blind is nothing.

Go to a good sports shop. They will offer you an analysis on the treadmill and they will recommend suitable shoes.

When trying on the shoes, they should fit comfortably right away. When standing, there should be a thumb’s width between the toe and the tip of the shoe and nothing should wobble at the heel. Take your time for this. Walk a few steps. A good retailer should have nothing against this.


Special running textiles are especially recommended in rain or wind. Dress according to the onion principle and prefer a light chill rather than too warm.



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3. Check your performance with a heart rate monitor

A heart rate monitor is not necessary for everyone, but Sportwatches and co can bring advantages for many runners.

On the one hand, the performance can be measured from time to time. So you can see how they improve between running units. That motivates!

If you notice that you get dizzy while running or you are quickly out of breath, a Sportwatch can help. You can check your pulse and speed at any time and, if necessary, take a step back to conserve your stamina. If you run too fast and suffering, the whole thing is no fun either. It is better to shift down a gear until you have reached the desired level. If you still have to get rid of energy at the end of your running route, just run a few more small sprints.

4. Don’t run on an empty stomach

A run before work? No problem – just have a bite to eat first. As soon as the sugar reserves are used up, the fat metabolism is no longer active and your performance collapses. A light carbohydrate meal like a banana even stimulates the fat metabolism before running and you will lose weight sooner.

After exercise, the energy stores should be refilled. You can and should therefore eat a high-fibre meal.

And important: Drink plenty of water!

5. Run regularly

Unfortunately, one hour of running a week is not much use. If you want to benefit from the positive effects of jogging, there is a simple recipe:

  • Three running sessions a week
  • At least 30 minutes, better still 45 to 60 minutes

If at the beginning you do not manage to run not-stop for so long, that’s normal and no problem at all! If it becomes too much, just walk briskly for a few minutes and start again as soon as you feel like it. At the beginning interval training helps you to increase your performance quickly and avoid annoying problems.

Image Source: unsplash –  Bruno Nascimento