Our tips for a successful start to the golf season


IBS Publishing Team

Gradually, golfers are also starting a new season. In order to play successfully, you need good preparation. We present you our tips and tricks for a successful golf season.

Spring is here and so is the start of the new golf season. It’s time to get the equipment out of the basement and prepare it for the new season. In this article you will learn what you need to pay special attention to.

Tips for your golf training this year

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Tip 1: Set clear goals


As in any sport, you should approach the new season with certain ambitions. Golf is an individual sport, which is why it is especially important to acquire the right mindset. In addition, the one or other challenge with the golf friends contributes to an increase in performance.

Tip 2: Work on your technical skills


Golf is rather a quiet sport. Here it is crucial that the executions happen neatly and cleanly. Because only those who have the right technique are most successful on the golf course.

Tipp 3: A good warm up


Even though golf is considered by many to be a static sport, a proper warm-up is part of the program. Due to the fast, jerky movements, the risk of tearing a muscle fiber is high. This can be avoided by proper warm-ups.

Preparation – is key

Good preparation is just as important in sports as it is in everything else in life. Due to the long winter break, it can happen that one or the other golf rule is forgotten. Reviewing the rules before the next game can be clearly beneficial. In addition, it is much better to play with proper equipment.


So what’s wrong with cleaning your golf bag and refreshing your club grips. A new grip helps the player to loosen the grip on the club. This in turn can contribute to a more successful hitting rate. Dry practice of the golf swing is part of preparing from home. The execution can be exaggerated. However, make sure that you have the right technique for your next golf game.


With our tips, nothing stands in the way of an excellent golf season. Grab your best golfer friends and officially open the season.

Source Cover Image: Unsplash /Sugar Golf