“My main goal is to reach the top 10” – Interview with Linus Erdmann
Coming up soon: from the 26.08 to the 04.09.2016 the Kitesurf Worldcup is going to take place again in Fehmarn. Steven of the KSWC Publishing Team interviewed the upcoming professional Kitesurfer and World Cup Participant Linus Erdmann. Born and bred in Hamburg, he started kitesurfing in 2006. He achieved his first success in 2012 and 2013 during the German and European championships. After he graduated from school this year, he has even more time to practice now. We are curious what this year is going to bring and how he is going to tie up to his latest successes.
KSWC Publishing Team: In more a less a month, the Pringles Kitesurf World Cup is going to take place on Fehmarn. How does your preparation look like?
Linus: So far I am quite fit and well prepared- I had the chance to practice well during the World Cup at Cabarate and to show some great stunts. If we have enough wind, you will probably always find me somewhere waterborne.
KSWC Publishing Team: How does your optimal preparation look like?
Linus: The most important thing for me is to go out to the sea very regular, but also the right nutrition plays an essential role. Thanks to my sponsor “Kernenergie” I am always well served with high-energy nuts.
KSWC Publishing Team: You participated at the MaiTai Cabarete Inventional lately and you were there when the newly founded WKL had their first stop. How did you like the event?
Linus: The event was a full success and it was enteraining and fun for all of us. Also the Live-Stream operated at a qualitative high-level. It was great to see how everyone participatetd, engaged and helped out where they could. For my party, I supported with the comments and was responsible for updating the homepage. Everyone gave his best and contributed to the great event we had.
KSWC Publishing Team: What does the establishment of the World Kiteboarding League mean for you and your companion surfers?
Linus: The foundation of the WKL was the only wise step to make the Kitesport attractive again, in order to provide the surfers with more freedom and codetermination, without being exploited by the organisers.
KSWC Publishing Team: The event in Cabarete was some kind of final rehearsal. Were you happy and satisfied with your results?
Linus: For me , it wasn’t windy enough. Which was why I dropped out of the Trials. However I am pleased with my overall performance, since I was able to show some great tricks.
KSWC Publishing Team: What are your learnings that you take with you to Fehmarn?
Linus: I am definitaley going to bring a very big kite ;-)
KSWC Publishing Team: When can we expect you on Fehmarn? Are you going to practice before the main event to check out the baltic sea?
Linus: Since I am on the go due to the Budget Kitesurf Experience, I will probably be in Fehmarn a few days before the main event. In Hamburg I am going to pick up my InspiredBySports collegues Mario Rodwald and Jana Schader and we’ll then drive to Fehmarn.
KSWC Publishing Team: Let’s talk about the Pringels Kitesurf World Cup, which is located at the southbeach. Did you practice your kite there already?
Linus: Fehmarn has many different Spots and if you know where to go, it is possible to kite anywhere and during any wind direction. I have practised at the Southbeach quite often already, among other things during the German championships.
KSWC Publishing Team: What do you think of the spot?
Linus: The spot itself is great. Perfect conditions are available when the wind comes from the east. Unfortunately this is a quite rare happening.
KSWC Publishing Team: What do you expect from the Pringles Kitesurf World Cup?
Linus: I hope it is going to be similar to the world cups of the last years, a full success!
KSWC Publishing Team: Do you have clear objectives you want to reach? Concerning the placement?
Linus: My main goal is still to reach the top 10, but with so many good kiters, this is going to be quite difficult.
KSWC Publishing Team: Who is your personal favourite?
Linus: For the guys, it is definately Carlos Mario and for the girls Bruna Kajiya.
KSWC Publishing Team: Instead of slalom, this years schedules changed and foil is going to be part of the program. What is your personal opinion to this drastic change?
Linus: Foil is definitaley the future when it comes to kitesurfing. Therefore I guess this change was needed and good! I often go on foil too.
KSWC Publishing Team: So this discipline is something for you?
Linus: Actually yes. Maybe I am going to join then.
KSWC Publishing Team: What is so special about foil?
Linus: Personally, I really enjoy it and it is a great balance to the freestyle discipline.
KSWC Publishing Team: Let’s talk about you. Kitesurfing is not a type of sport you are confronted with in your daily life. How did you get so attached to this sport?
Linus: Initially my dad brought me there. When I was 9 years old I stood on the board for the first time in my life. This is where everything began;-)
KSWC Publishing Team: What was your favourite moment? The German championship 2013/2014?
Linus: I think, that those moments where cleary the most successful ones. Nevertheless I love travelling with my friends. But these moments are obviously not comparable to championships.
KSWC Publishing Team: Looking back, this was a great moment.
Linus: Definately. Kitesurfing plays a great role in my life and it means a lot to me. The feeling, that you can do whatever you like when you are waterborne means absolute freedom to me. That is simply unique.
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Thank you for the interview Linus, we see you at the World Cup on Fehmarn.
If you want to know more about Linus, check out his Facebook-Page or the KSWC homepage.