How to get the right golf drive


Helge Meyer, former Golf federal division pro summarizes all the tips, that help you to stay focused during the next rounds of golf and meanwhile have enough power for your next drive.

Performance is all that counts – a slogan you see all the time when it comes to sports. In golfing, and as a former federal-division-pro I should know, it’s not possible without the right mental preparation and strength. Furthermore, there’s the more and more important practice- and diet-factor for our sport. Those who want to perform, have to keep their body fit, providing the right snacks during the round and even after the last hole.

My practice-preparations have, especially regarding the more challenging tournaments, focused on the basics. Automatics are a variation, every pro should have in his practice-repertoire, because you can keep your head shut off, and optimize small details at the same time. From the first hit, to the green most aspects of golfing can be improved with lots of practice, patience and routine, for example the right level for your backswing during the long game or a good eye for breaks on the green.


Eating small snacks on a regular basis during the round is extremely important to keep your body fit during the round – Just a short while ago I stumbled upon high-quality protein in form of dried meat. It comes in a very practical size and is ideal as a snack along the way. The used method is a method from South Africa, that my coach explained to me after a fitness-session. You get high-class meat in a flake-format with good taste and without any additives.

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In golf, there are a couple of wisdoms but more so, some well meant suggestions. One part is, that the potential distinction or the loss of concentration can make a big difference on the overall score. Golf is so mentally postulating as a sport, that you have to make arrangements to keep your body fit and to hold the energy-level at a height, that enhance a top-performance until the last hole. Who has been to one of the most spectacular and challenging golf-courses in South Africa knows well, that nothing is worse, than loosing strength at hole 14 and therefore ruining the setting for yourself.


Nowadays you can’t go without nutrition consultation or the help of a producer in pro sports. They teach you the most effective ways to get the most out of a product. A chocolate bar is of no use, because it contains too much sugar. A banana or a protein bar don’t go well with the stomach of some and to carry around a protein shake at all times is annoying. The only alternative would be the so called Power-Bars, that easily fit in your pocket. The downside is, that they often contain to many additives, that don’t do any good to the body. And just in case you don’t get hungry during a relaxed round of golf with your buddies in South Africa, you can enjoy the snack as a snack to a nice bottle of wine.

My advice for you

  • Endurance and practice-routines are the base for successful golfing.
  • During practice you should often train stressful situations like short putts.
  • Develop the strengths and – on the other hand – work on your weaknesses – never train single-sided.
  • Always keep small snacks ready to hand, even during practice, because being hungry and loosing focus are a taboo during training.
  • Your performance is important, but the fun and the emotions while golfing should never be pushed to the background.
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To get the right swing, there is always a short warm-up in my practice-routine, where I try to limber up and warm up my entire body. Many limit their golf warm-up to their upper body – in my opinion, the whole body needs to be a part of it. A practice-habit has stabilized in my routine: before I start the round, I swing about 2-3 times on the range.


Besides the protein-snacks I keep enough liquids in my bag. Still water is my go to liquid – I can’t really recommend juices or soft drinks, because the sugar-factor plays a big role. After a sugar-high follows a quick drop of your energy and as a result not only your concentration suffers, but also your physical strength.


There are obviously enough challenges during golf. As it reaches a certain level or handicap, I try to set myself goals and make up my own challenges technique-wise. Sure, just for fun it’s great to have a competition on the longest drive with your golf-buddies, but to really challenge yourself, you should constantly higher and adapt the level of difficulty within your training.


Helge Meyer


Tricks and advices are always helpful! However, every golfer should find their own style and should present himself with his own individual style and skill-set on the course. It’s always good to listen, but copying has never brought anyone far.


