Fit with video games- the new trend

Digital sports programs have arrived in Germany’s households, not least due to the Corona pandemic and quarantine. Due to the ongoing closure of gyms, many active athletes have discovered a new way to keep fit, as a recent survey by bitkom shows.
Berlin, August 27, 2021 – In the Corona pandemic, people are working out at home in front of their screens: 6 out of 10 (59 percent) Germans who play video or computer games at least once in a while keep in shape at home with fitness and exercise games. Already in the previous year, at the beginning of the pandemic, these games experienced a strong upswing and were used by 52 percent of gamers. Before the pandemic, significantly less than half were still playing Ring Fit, Wii Fit, Zumba and the like. (2019: 39 percent). This is shown by a representative survey commissioned by the digital association Bitkom among 1,269 people in Germany aged 16 and over, including 635 people who play video or computer games.
In recent months, gyms and sports clubs have been closed most of the time. Therefore, many people in Germany have had to switch to alternatives for sufficient sport and exercise. Sport with the help of video games is slightly more popular among women (63 percent) than among men (56 percent). A comparison of ages shows that it is primarily the 50-64 age group (68 percent) that keeps fit with such games. However, the figure is not much lower among 16- to 29-year-olds (66 percent) and still more than half (57 percent) among 30- to 49-year-olds. In the 65-plus group, 32 percent exercise with video games. “Fitness and exercise games have become an alternative to sports in clubs or gyms during the Corona pandemic,” says Dr. Sebastian Klöß, Bitkom’s head of Consumer Technology and AR/VR. “With such video games, you can keep fit in your own four walls – and in a much more entertaining way than with mere push-ups or sit-ups.”
The digital sports program complements the walk to the gym
The fun of sports motivates: These games motivated two-thirds (67 percent) of those who use fitness and exercise games to exercise . In addition, this type of sport is very practical: 64 percent agree with the statement that the games are an alternative to the normal sports program when the weather is bad or there is little time. Another advantage for more than half (57 percent): being able to do the sports exercises unobserved within their own four walls.
Especially in the Corona pandemic and there restrictions characterized many video game players are grateful for the games: More than a third (35 percent) say the fitness and exercise games have helped them get through the pandemic. For almost as many (31 percent), the games were a good way to compensate for not going to the gym or sports club. Still, for three-quarters (76 percent), using fitness and exercise games is not a true substitute. Only one in six (17 percent) prefer to use fitness and exercise games than to exercise in the conventional way. Just as many (17 percent), in turn, say they would not do any sport at all without such games.

Many lack social exchange with others
83 percent lack social interaction with others when playing fitness and exercise games. Only just under one-fifth (19 percent) arrange to do sports together online. For 3 in 10 (29 percent) users, however, fitness and exercise games at home are “a real family event”. But even without playing together directly, users can interact with others via the games – for example, via rankings, leaderboards or challenges. Almost a third (32 percent) compete online with others in terms of strength, stamina and so on.
Note on methods: The data is based on a survey conducted by Bitkom Research on behalf of the digital association Bitkom. From mid-June to mid-July 2021, 1,269 people in Germany aged 16 and over were interviewed by telephone, including 635 gamers. The survey is representative. The questions were: “Which of the following types of video and computer games do you play at least occasionally?” and “Well, to what extent do the following statements apply or not apply to you personally?”

Video games offer a good alternative for an intensive workout at home. Especially lovers of video games get their money’s worth here.
This article is based on a press release from bitkom.org
Source Cover Image: Unsplash / Eric McLean