Day 1 of the Sailing Championsleague 2016

It is almost time for the german sailing championsleague this year – We are looking forward to day 1 of the upcoming season, where more than 36 sailing clubs from all over Germany are going to compete against each other.
It will all start on the 29th April at Lake Starnberg, near Munich. We are excited for the spectacle and are quite curious who is going to leave the first league for the second, or the other way round. Every league consists of 18 teams, adding up to 36 teams in league 1 and 2. Coming from all over Germany, the teams all meet at Lake Starnberg to start off the season.
We are looking forward for the big rivalry, as the competition on the highest level is an integral component of the agenda of the german sailing championsleague. With more than 144 sailors, that are competing during 6 different events with only one winner in the end – the pressure on the yachtsmen is tremendous. Technical challenges as well as body and spirit demands of your team need to be met to deliver superior performance. For each league, 6 sailing boats will be provided. In groups of 6 yachtsmen, the teams will sail across the lake during shorts races of 10-15 minutes.
After 3 races, the so called “Flight” is full and every sailing club had the chance to perform. 15 flights are planned for the three days at Lake Starnberg. In the final round, the best teams will compete against each other for one last time.
Picture Source: DSBL / Lars Wehrmann
Starnberger See – Germany
29.04.2016 – 01.05.2016
Our german team around skipper Steffen Hessberger is competing at the first (Starnberg) and the second matchday (Konstanz). I’ll compete this season on day three of the german sailing championsleague in Travemüde with our northern cadres. The competition has been preparing intensively this winter. We couldn’t train enough hours on the water because we missed one boat in the north. Additionally our cadre could not come together contingent on stay abroad of some of us. Nevertheless we will catch up the training deficit and will fully attack the other teams.
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To name just some program points and features of this great event:
- short and white-knuckle sailing races
- One flight is made up of three races
- 15 flights in 3 days
3-times olymic winner and pro sailer Jochen Schümann is fighting for the continuance of his Berliner club in the 1. league.
The level of the league is increasing rapidly. We’re excited about which club will perform best at this event. All teams have done different intensive preparations over the winter.