Build more muscle with the right nutrition plan!

What should you eat to optimally support the muscles during growth? Strength training alone is not everything for building muscles, but in combination with the right diet you are on the right track. We create an individual muscle build-up plan for you. This is how it works!
You’ve been lifting weights for weeks, but the hoped-for muscle gain is missing? Then it’s most likely due to your diet. Unfortunately, hard training alone won’t grow any muscles. Only in combination with the right diet can muscle growth be optimally pushed and even accelerated. A nutrition plan will help!
If you are active in sports and want to build up new muscles, you need the necessary energy and protein building blocks. However, not only the quantity is decisive, but also the quality. In order to achieve good results, it is recommended to follow a muscle build-up – nutrition plan. This makes your everyday life much easier, because you can plan your meals and adjust them to your training routine.

Your muscles need the right nutrients to grow. Source: Pexels / Trang Doan
Which nutrients are particularly important?
The three main nutrients are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Protein has the highest priority in your muscle building nutrition plan. But also carbohydrates and fats (oil, nuts and salmon) play an important role. Proteins are the basis for building new muscle fibers, but carbs and fats give you the energy you need for your workout.
Whow much protein is needed daily to build muscle?
If you want to eat a balanced and healthy diet, the following principle applies: 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, if you want to gain a lot of muscle mass, you have to add a scoop to your protein intake and you can increase your protein consumption to up to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Because there lies approximately the maximum protein quantity, which the body can use daily.
√ Beginners: 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilo body weight
√ Advanced: 1.2 to 1.5 grams per kilo body weight
√ Professionals: 1.5 to 2 grams per kilo body weight
These foods should not be missing in your nutrition plan
In order to optimally promote muscle growth, you should focus especially on protein-rich foods. The protein found in animal foods is more similar to the protein in the human body than that found in plant foods, so it is of higher quality and therefore has a higher biological value. But even vegetable protein, such as in nuts or legumes, cannot be optimally converted by the body, but these foods are cholesterol-free, rich in fiber and usually contain many healthy fats. Combine animal and vegetable protein on the plate, in order to get the best out of both variants!
Eat eggs! Eggs are the muscle food par excellence. One egg alone provides 7 grams of protein. And best of all, the protein it contains is by far the highest quality you can feed your body. In addition, you should put beef on your diet plan. In addition to protein, it brings a good portion of iron, which optimizes the oxygen uptake of blood. You should also eat lean poultry such as chicken and turkey, tuna and low-fat quark.
Exemplary nutrition plan for you
Breakfast: 300 g low-fat curd cheese + 100 ml milk (mix both) + 2 pieces of fruit of your choice + 1 dash of honey + 1 tbsp linseed oil
Snack 1: 1 handful of nuts, e.g. cashews or walnuts
Lunch: 200 g minced meat + 150 g wholemeal pasta (gross weight) + 300 g vegetables of your choice for example broccoli, spinach or tomato
Snack 2: 1 Harzer cheese (50 g) or 2 slices hard cheese, like Gouda + 150 g grapes
Dinner: Large salad with vegetables of your choice with 2 hard-boiled eggs + 1 can of tuna in its own juice + 50 g feta + 2 slices wholemeal toast
Evening snack: 1 cup of cottage cheese, pure or pimped with some tomato paste and spices or sweet with some honey.

Reach your goal faster with a nutrition plan! If you want to build up muscles in a targeted way, you should definitely draw up a nutrition plan. This may not be easy, but it is worth the effort. You will also benefit from the newly acquired nutritional knowledge in the long term.
Source: pexels/ foodie factor