BladeNight Munich – Finally back !

Many have waited a long time for this and had already given up hope, but the long-awaited Blade Night finally takes place after a 2-year break with a new sponsor. But what is it anyway and how does it work?
Many Munich residents are finally back in anticipation. The well-known Blade Night has finally found its way back to Munich. Due to Corona and lack of sponsors, the Bladenight was discontinued 2 years ago. Actually it should never have taken place again, because the previous organizer had withdrawn. The sports club SkateMunich! e.V. has now taken over this together with the main sponsor Decathlon.
But many ask themselves the question, what is the Blade Night actually? At the Blade Night all interested and enthusiastic inline skaters come together to drive together through Munich in the evening. There is an extra police cordoned off route, where you can worry freely drive without cars or any pedestrians. There are beginners but also professionals welcome to make the streets unsafe. There are even rental stands where you can borrow equipment such as inliners, pads and helmets in advance, so it is guaranteed that everyone can try it out.
But those who are not able to drive themselves, or would rather just watch and participate, are welcome to volunteer as helpers. There are many police officers on site, but unfortunately this is not enough to make the Blade Night what it is.
Blade Night is usually held once a week. It goes from May to mid-September, with a total of 4 routes: West, East, South and North. Each time there is a variation between the routes, which go through the districts of Munich. Depending on the pace, it takes up to 2 hours to complete a route.
The routes for June are: 06.06.22 Whit Monday Family and 13.06.22 West
Source Cover Image: Pexels/Mathias Reding